Alpha Male Peptides, Vitamins & Human Growth Hormones

Alpha Male works closely with a local compounding pharmacy to offer the very best quality peptide medications that are safe & well tolerated.

Peptides have restorative properties which help with healing, growth & recovery. Vitamins can give your body the additional boost of nutrients it needs. Alpha Male offers a variety of injection and oral vitamins that can help with hangovers, low energy & help restore the natural balance of your body’s vitamins. Injecting vitamins into the muscle or subcutaneous tissue helps the body absorb them faster and make you feel like a better Alpha Male ASAP.

Weight loss/muscle gain- Alpha Male uses peptides, state of the art laser to reduce fat, in-house gym, and individualized diet planning to help men achieve their Alpha bodies and get their bodies to their peak potential- lean & muscular.

Peptides that are offered include but not limited to

  • Ipamorelin
  • Ipamorelin/CJC 1295
  • Gondorelin
  • Semaglutide
  • Semorelin
  • PT-141
  • Thymosin Alpha 1
  • B12
  • B1/B6
  • Vitamin D
  • Somatropin
Testosterone Men's Clinic Jacksonville, Florida

Peptide that promotes the secretion of GH into the bloodstream from the pituitary gland. Studies have shown that the ability of ipamorelin to stimulate the pituitary gland & liver might elicit a number of physiological effects including strengthening the joints & connective tissue, increasing the bone mass density & strength, improve skin tone, rejuvenate joints & increase adipose (body fat) breakdown

Ipamorelin/CJC 1295

CJC 1295 is a growth hormone releasing peptide. When used with Ipamorelin reported additional benefits include heightened sexual function, improved sleep & cognitive function/memory.


A synthetic protein that is like a hormone in the body called gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH). It causes the pituitary gland to release other hormones including luteinizing hormone (LH) & follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which are both critical for the reproductive health of adults. Gondorelin can help boost the production of testosterone by the testes & can help with increased sperm production & prevent testicular shrinkage. It is often used in conjunction with TRT therapy and helps boost libido.


Peptide that stimulates the production of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary gland. Within around 6 months benefits of sermorelin include increased lean muscle mass, increased energy, enhanced sexual function, improved sleep, improved memory & increased exercise performance.


FDA peptide approved for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with comorbities. Semaglutide is a glucagon like peptide that helps by lowering appetite & slowing down digesting. It is highly effective peptide that helps dramatically help patients lose weight.

PT-141 (Bremelanotide)

Peptide that helps increase sexual function and arousal in men, it has been used to help restore erectile function & improve libido- leading to an improvement in their sex lived and therefore improved overall well-being.

Thymosin Alpha 1

Peptide that has been widely recognized for its immune enhancement properties. This powerful peptide helps strengthen the immune system and helps lower the risk of infection. It also may help lower chronic inflammation & chronic fatigue.


B12 is an essential vitamin required for the function and development of many parts of the body including brain, nerves and blood cells. B12 helps boost energy and reduce fatigue.


Vit B-1 (thiamin) helps the body convert food to every. B6 activates enzymes responsible for producing energy, neurotransmitters, red blood cells and white blood cells that support the immune system. Benefits of B1/B6 include increased energy, enhanced mood, improved memory, improved skin/nails & stronger immune system.

Vitamin D

Vitamin vital for the absorption of calcium & phosphorus and facilitating normal immune system function. Lab studies have found that vitamin D can help control infections and reduce inflammation. Vitamin D is needed for building & maintaining healthy bones.


Human growth hormone that can help increase muscle and also treat human growth hormone deficiency.

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