Medical Director

Dr. Kevin Holthaus

Dr Holthaus is a board certified physician. He is a member of many professional associations, including the Jacksonville Sports Medicine Association. He is also a practicing physician is in the US Navy specializing in aviation medicine. As the medical director at Alpha Male he takes the time to fully understand all aspects of every clients concern. He works in collaboration with the nurse practitioner & patient to create individualized treatment plans to help every man feel, look & perform at their highest potential.

Nurse Practitioner

Christina Feliciano, APRN

Ms. Feliciano is a board certified nurse practitioner. A graduate of University of Florida, she has 15 years nursing experience. She has practiced in a variety of settings including UF Neurosurgery, Indian Health Services (IHS), hospitalist & aesthetic medicine. She is dedicated to helping men feel their best, achieve optimal health and reach their full potential. She works closely with the medical director and the individual patient, to create a custom plan to help every man feel like an Alpha Male.

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